Little Neck Swim and Racquet Club is a member owned community swimming pool and tennis facility. The pool is open from Memorial Day thru Labor day, and tennis is available year round. We offer a wide variety of programs for every member of the family. Swimming lessons, an exceptional swim team, tennis lessons and camps, and family and adult socials make for a summer full of fun!
Regular Member Fee Schedule This membership is geared towards long-term community families. Along with the amenities of the pool, households receive invitations to Membership meetings, ballot options for Board Elections, access to the Budget, and voting options for large renovations, repairs, and projects Initiation Fee - First year only $1,000 (refundable per conditions of the By-Laws) Administrative Fee - First year only $225 (one time only fee) Yearly Dues $725 (pro-rated for the first year only if joining after June 15th) Total First Year $1,950 (Each year after is $725) Annual Member Fee Schedule This membership is perfect for families who are here in the community for 1-3 years due to military/job relocations. This membership has access to all the amenities but none of the meetings, ballots, or voting options. Yearly Dues $1,250 (pro-rated for the first year only if joining after June 15th) Membership fees due by May 1 of each year. $25 Late Fee due if paid after May 20th. |
Conversion Fee Schedule
We do offer a conversion rate. If you are an Annual Member and would like to become a Regular Member you can pay the conversion rate to change your type of membership. Once paid you would have all the benefits of Regular Membership. You would then only pay the yearly renewal dues each year. This membership is great for families whose status may have changed or if you simply changed your mind. Yearly Dues (to be determined) Submit Your Application online by visiting our MemberSplash website: |